Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Here Kitty Kitty

I was looking for a present for a friend when I came across this cute find. This is a shopping blog that sells clothes for cats. In other words, they call it The Sophisticated Cat - Luxury Cat Boutique. In here you can find lots of cute things for your feline friend. They even have halloween costumes if you wanna bring your little kitty for trick or treat too!

I like this cute little costume of a frog hoodie. Isn't it adorable? Would be good for a present for welcoming a new kitten to one's home, eh. You can buy it online on their website The Sophisticated Cat.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Baby So Cute

Well if you have a little toddler and it's halloween, don't fret. Gather up your baby in arms, your little kitty on a leash and go trick or treating as a mommy. Look at this adorable lady bug I found. They are just too adorable! They are great for any occasions for parents to get their kids to take part in, toddlers' contest, cute photo contest or even send your kid to the model agency, you are guaranteed of oohs and aahs!

I found this at a cute shopping site for babies or kids. Cute-Clothes is the place where you can find clothes to baby footwear, toys and more.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Count The Sheeps

What's Cute and Cuddly when you slip into?
These cute bedroom slippers!!

I found this online at a site called Cuddly Kingdom. They have many things that are cute and cuddly and I really love their range of slippers. These one of sheep is just so adorable! Sheeps are synonymous for bedtime as they are usually what we can used to count if we can't get any shut eye. Of course you can count any thing else too. I love it! Know where to get adorable sheep toy hugs next?

Monday, October 13, 2008

History of CuddlyCoo

For a start, I was highly inspired by the template design to start this blog. The inspiration comes from where you can get cute and unique templates from. What I love about the templates are the retro colours and icons. These are definitely very different from the other templates that I've seen. Simple but cute. And because of this cute template, I am starting a blog named Cuddlycoo. I want to feature products that I find on the internet that are cute, unique and if it's cuddly, it belongs here too. Please visit my site for updates.